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Connect for Change: Together, We Build a World Where Every Connection Inspires Positive Impact

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A stands for Artist, AI and Activist.


  • Artist Youngjin Shin
  • Made with 100% recycled PP
  • The unique pattern of the lights is made using a mix of black, white, and transparent PP plastic, mostly sourced from food packaging collected from food package collected from UPCIETY


Kerf Lighting, designed using the kerf bending technique commonly utilized in woodworking, embodies the identity of 4TH PLACE, which specializes in processing recycled plastic panels.

The black, white, and translucent materials primarily come from commonly used food delivery containers, with most of the materials sourced through UPCIETY (@upciety).

Kerf Lighting introduces innovative ideas by showcasing patterned illumination through the consistent groove thickness applied for bending. It explores various shapes, structures, and light diffusion achieved through the kerf bending process using recycled plastic.

To uphold the ESG principles of recycled plastics, the use of other materials has been minimized, resulting in an eco-friendly lighting design made exclusively from processed recycled plastic panels.

우드 공법에서 주로 사용하는 커프 밴딩 기법을 이용한 Kerf Lighting은 재생 플라스틱 판재 가공을 주로 이용하는 4TH PLACE의 아이덴티티를 적용했습니다. 검은색, 흰색, 반투명은 대부분 우리가 일반적으로 사용하는 배달용기를 재료로 사용한 것이며 대부분 UPCIETY(@upciety)를 통해 수급되었습니다. 

Kerf Lighting은 밴딩을 위해 적용된 일정한 패턴의 골 두께를 통하여 빛의 패턴화를 선보이며, 재생 플라스틱 커프 밴딩 조명의 다양한 형태와 구조, 빛 투과를 통한 신선한 아이디어를 제시합니다.